In the unfolding narrative, a revelation emerged – our hidden gems, the low-level employees, craved a digital platform for their voices to echo in the hallowed halls of the C-suite, where decisions held sway. These individuals, fueled by passion and a desire to make an impact, aspired for their initiatives to bear the signature of the C-suite. However, the challenge was overcome by simplifying complexities, and the insights gleaned led to a digital solution adaptable for any corporation.

As a UX Designer, this adventure has been an epic journey of innovation and transformation, proving that with the right skills and analysis, one has the potential to take the lead in developing a solution that effectively addresses the complexities centred around user needs.

In the unfolding narrative, a revelation emerged – our hidden gems, the low-level employees, craved a digital platform for their voices to echo in the hallowed halls of the C-suite, where decisions held sway. These individuals, fueled by passion and a desire to make an impact, aspired for their initiatives to bear the signature of the C-suite. However, the challenge was overcome by simplifying complexities, and the insights gleaned led to a digital solution adaptable for any corporation.

As a UX Designer, this adventure has been an epic journey of innovation and transformation, proving that with the right skills and analysis, one has the potential to take the lead in developing a solution that effectively addresses the complexities centred around user needs.

During the development of the Greencubator website integration, we realized that the initial

concepts were merely a foundation. The website's designs underwent continuous evolution, influenced by insights from research, competitive analysis, usability studies and valuable feedback from users, shaping each successive iteration.

I also discovered that it's a continual, iterative process throughout the entire journey.

Embracing this approach facilitates the creation of a solution that provides convenient,

time-efficient, and user-friendly accessibility to the target audience, ultimately enhancing

everyday life for greater convenience. With this approach, it clarifies the original intent, which is to define the problem and ultimately ensure a delightful user experience.

During the development of the Greencubator website integration, we realized that the initial concepts were merely a foundation. The website's designs underwent continuous evolution, influenced by insights from research, competitive analysis, usability studies and valuable feedback from users, shaping each successive iteration.

I also discovered that it's a continual, iterative process throughout the entire journey.

Embracing this approach facilitates the creation of a solution that provides convenient,

time-efficient, and user-friendly accessibility to the target audience, ultimately enhancing

everyday life for greater convenience. With this approach, it clarifies the original intent, which is to define the problem and ultimately ensure a delightful user experience.

During the development of the Greencubator website integration, we realized that the initial concepts were merely a foundation. The website's designs underwent continuous evolution, influenced by insights from research, competitive analysis, usability studies and valuable feedback from users, shaping each successive iteration.

I also discovered that it's a continual, iterative process throughout the entire journey. Embracing this approach facilitates the creation of a solution that provides convenient,time-efficient, and user-friendly accessibility to the target audience, ultimately enhancing everyday life for greater convenience. With this approach, it clarifies the original intent, which is to define the problem and ultimately ensure a delightful user experience.

  1. The design process is never really over. Effectively concluding the project entails an ongoing series of usability studies to verify whether the anticipated issues and challenges users may encounter have been adequately addressed.

  1. Conduct further user research to pinpoint emerging areas of demand, to enhance service delivery. Consistently iterating remains the pivotal factor in achieving optimal success.

  1. The design process is never really over. Effectively concluding the project entails an ongoing series of usability studies to verify whether the anticipated issues and challenges users may encounter have been adequately addressed.

  1. Conduct further user research to pinpoint emerging areas of demand, to enhance service delivery. Consistently iterating remains the pivotal factor in achieving optimal success.

The Final Resolution : The Hero's Return

The Final Resolution : The Hero's Return

Embarking on Ever Evolving Journey

Precious Learnings

Thank you! Ready for a Team Jam!

nimisha priya © 2024

Golden Nuggets From Testing Trials: "As a user, participating in the testing phase was eye-opening. It wasn't just about navigating through the website; it was about feeling heard. Seeing my input directly impact the design made me feel like an essential part of the process. The changes reflect a deep understanding of what we, as users, truly value in our digital experience."

Golden Nuggets From Testing Trials: "As a user, participating in the testing phase was eye-opening. It wasn't just about navigating through the website; it was about feeling heard. Seeing my input directly impact the design made me feel like an essential part of the process. The changes reflect a deep understanding of what we, as users, truly value in our digital experience."

User-Experience Adventures: Navigating the Testing Terrain

User-Experience Adventures: Navigating the Testing Terrain

Dynamic Design Evolution

Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Pages

Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Pages

The Whimsical Skeleton

Ever Evolving Echoes aka Mid Fidelity Playground

Insights unveiled

Let's Choreograph the Data

Atoms, Molecules, Organisms,


Decision Mastery:

  • Strategically guide users through the digital landscape, positioning climate change as a philanthropic destination within the seamless website integration. 40% of the users were unaware of any digital platform within their companies for sharing their perspectives on climate.

Puzzle Perspectives:

  • Create a comprehensive view by aligning diverse perspectives, crucial for addressing the urgent call for climate action through an integrated collaborative digital platform. 75% of the users recognized the necessity for constructive collaboration to raise awareness about climate action.

Motivational Winds:

  • Streamline the digital platform into an inspiring journey, making climate change advocacy a compelling duty driven by user motivation.

67% of the users require a platform that inspires them to initiate significant changes within their corporate environments.

Transparency Code:

  • Establish trust within the digital platform by developing a code that demystifies processes, ensuring transparent practices and building credibility with users. 65.6% of the users frequently require a platform that prioritizes transparency and adheres to best practices when addressing such issues.

Heroic Image:

  • Elevate the digital platform's status by aligning climate initiatives with brand values, crafting a champion image in the eyes of the online audience. 53.8% of the users believed that companies undertake philanthropic initiatives that align with their core brand values.

Decision Mastery:

  • Strategically guide users through the digital landscape, positioning climate change as a philanthropic destination within the seamless website integration. 40% of the users were unaware of any digital platform within their companies for sharing their perspectives on climate.

Puzzle Perspectives:

  • Create a comprehensive view by aligning diverse perspectives, crucial for addressing the urgent call for climate action through an integrated collaborative digital platform. 75% of the users recognized the necessity for constructive collaboration to raise awareness about climate action.

Motivational Winds:

  • Streamline the digital platform into an inspiring journey, making climate change advocacy a compelling duty driven by user motivation.

67% of the users require a platform that inspires them to initiate significant changes within their corporate environments.

Transparency Code:

  • Establish trust within the digital platform by developing a code that demystifies processes, ensuring transparent practices and building credibility with users. 65.6% of the users frequently require a platform that prioritizes transparency and adheres to best practices when addressing such issues.

Heroic Image:

  • Elevate the digital platform's status by aligning climate initiatives with brand values, crafting a champion image in the eyes of the online audience. 53.8% of the users believed that companies undertake philanthropic initiatives that align with their core brand values.

Decision Mastery:

Strategically guide users through the digital landscape, positioning climate change as a philanthropic destination within the seamless website integration. 40% of the users were unaware of any digital platform within their companies for sharing their perspectives on climate.

Puzzle Perspectives:

Create a comprehensive view by aligning diverse perspectives, crucial for addressing the urgent call for climate action through an integrated collaborative digital platform. 75% of the users recognized the necessity for constructive collaboration to raise awareness about climate action.

Motivational Winds:

Streamline the digital platform into an inspiring journey, making climate change advocacy a compelling duty driven by user motivation. 67% of the users require a platform that inspires them to initiate significant changes within their corporate environments.

Transparency Code:

Establish trust within the digital platform by developing a code that demystifies processes, ensuring transparent practices and building credibility with users. 65.6% of the users frequently require a platform that prioritizes transparency and adheres to best practices when addressing such issues.

Heroic Image:

Elevate the digital platform's status by aligning climate initiatives with brand values, crafting a champion image in the eyes of the online audience. 53.8% of the users believed that companies undertake philanthropic initiatives that align with their core brand values.

Is a testament to its user-centric focus, intuitive design, and community-driven ethos. The platform is thoughtfully designed to empower low-level employees, providing them with a voice in the influential chambers of the C-suite. Driven by passion and the desire to make a meaningful impact, it ensures their initiatives carry the signature of the


The strategic approach orchestrates their ascent to recognition without disrupting corporate rules. Infused with transparency and collaboration, this ecosystem fosters impactful transformation within the boundaries of the established hierarchy. The user-friendly interface and supportive community make it an intuitive and community-driven platform.

Is a testament to its user-centric focus, intuitive design, and community-driven ethos. The platform is thoughtfully designed to empower low-level employees, providing them with a voice in the influential chambers of the C-suite. Driven by passion and the desire to make a meaningful impact, it ensures their initiatives carry the signature of the


The strategic approach orchestrates their ascent to recognition without disrupting corporate rules. Infused with transparency and collaboration, this ecosystem fosters impactful transformation within the boundaries of the established hierarchy. The user-friendly interface and supportive community make it an intuitive and community-driven platform.

Resolving The Pitfalls: Embracing a Strategic Approach

1-Strategic Audience Refinement and Ecosystem Simplification involved a targeted approach to audience identification; through thorough research and surveys. Breaking down the complex task of creating a website ecosystem by emphasizing key features.

2-Reasoning Behind the Solution:

User-centric alignment and Task Complexity Simplification stemmed from the need to align the design with user preferences, ensuring a simplified approach to managing the complexity of tasks within the website.

3-Design's Problem-Solving Impact:

Inclusive Testing and a Streamlined Approach for Enhanced Effectiveness highlighted the solution's impact in fostering inclusivity through diversified testing, resulting in a streamlined and more effective design approach.

4- Navigating and Overcoming Budget Boundaries:

During the development process, we encountered budget constraints. To efficiently address these challenges, I discovered methods and tools that could achieve the same results but at a lower cost.

1-Strategic Audience Refinement and Ecosystem Simplification involved a targeted approach to audience identification; through thorough research and surveys. Breaking down the complex task of creating a website ecosystem by emphasizing key features.

2-Reasoning Behind the Solution:

User-centric alignment and Task Complexity Simplification stemmed from the need to align the design with user preferences, ensuring a simplified approach to managing the complexity of tasks within the website.

3-Design's Problem-Solving Impact:

Inclusive Testing and a Streamlined Approach for Enhanced Effectiveness highlighted the solution's impact in fostering inclusivity through diversified testing, resulting in a streamlined and more effective design approach.

4- Navigating and Overcoming Budget Boundaries:

During the development process, we encountered budget constraints. To efficiently address these challenges, I discovered methods and tools that could achieve the same results but at a lower cost.

1-Strategic Audience Refinement and Ecosystem Simplification involved a targeted approach to audience identification; through thorough research and surveys. Breaking down the complex task of creating a website ecosystem by emphasizing key features.

2-Reasoning Behind the Solution:

User-centric alignment and Task Complexity Simplification stemmed from the need to align the design with user preferences, ensuring a simplified approach to managing the complexity of tasks within the website.

3-Design's Problem-Solving Impact:

Inclusive Testing and a Streamlined Approach for Enhanced Effectiveness highlighted the solution's impact in fostering inclusivity through diversified testing, resulting in a streamlined and more effective design approach.

4- Navigating and Overcoming Budget Boundaries:

During the development process, we encountered budget constraints. To efficiently address these challenges, I discovered methods and tools that could achieve the same results but at a lower cost.

In the falling action, salvation arrived in the form of a prototype—a living beacon of hope. Subjected to rigorous testing, it vividly portrayed the refined evolution of a user-friendly solution. The method highlighted effective troubleshooting and insightful scrutiny, ensuring a solution that continually adapted to the ever-evolving needs of the users.

With each testing session, the product underwent a transformative journey, evolving to fulfill its original promise of being intuitive and seamlessly navigable. Each session adding depth and detail to the narrative of enhancement. The goal, established at the journey's inception, was to create an experience that resonated with simplicity and understanding.

In the falling action, salvation arrived in the form of a prototype—a living beacon of hope. Subjected to rigorous testing, it vividly portrayed the refined evolution of a user-friendly solution. The method highlighted effective troubleshooting and insightful scrutiny, ensuring a solution that continually adapted to the ever-evolving needs of the users.

With each testing session, the product underwent a transformative journey, evolving to fulfill its original promise of being intuitive and seamlessly navigable. Each session adding depth and detail to the narrative of enhancement. The goal, established at the journey's inception, was to create an experience that resonated with simplicity and understanding.

Where We Landed

Where We Landed

Dynamic Design Evolution

Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Pages

The Whimsical Skeleton

Ever Evolving Echoes aka Mid Fidelity Playground

Insights unveiled

Let's Choreograph the Data

Atoms, Molecules, Organisms,


Decision Mastery:

  • Strategically guide users through the digital landscape, positioning climate change as a philanthropic destination within the seamless website integration. 40% of the users were unaware of any digital platform within their companies for sharing their perspectives on climate.

Puzzle Perspectives:

  • Create a comprehensive view by aligning diverse perspectives, crucial for addressing the urgent call for climate action through an integrated collaborative digital platform. 75% of the users recognized the necessity for constructive collaboration to raise awareness about climate action.

Motivational Winds:

  • Streamline the digital platform into an inspiring journey, making climate change advocacy a compelling duty driven by user motivation.

67% of the users require a platform that inspires them to initiate significant changes within their corporate environments.

Transparency Code:

  • Establish trust within the digital platform by developing a code that demystifies processes, ensuring transparent practices and building credibility with users. 65.6% of the users frequently require a platform that prioritizes transparency and adheres to best practices when addressing such issues.

Heroic Image:

  • Elevate the digital platform's status by aligning climate initiatives with brand values, crafting a champion image in the eyes of the online audience. 53.8% of the users believed that companies undertake philanthropic initiatives that align with their core brand values.

Is a testament to its user-centric focus, intuitive design, and community-driven ethos. The platform is thoughtfully designed to empower low-level employees, providing them with a voice in the influential chambers of the C-suite. Driven by passion and the desire to make a meaningful impact, it ensures their initiatives carry the signature of the


The strategic approach orchestrates their ascent to recognition without disrupting corporate rules. Infused with transparency and collaboration, this ecosystem fosters impactful transformation within the boundaries of the established hierarchy. The user-friendly interface and supportive community make it an intuitive and community-driven platform.

Resolving The Pitfalls: Embracing a Strategic Approach

Resolving The Pitfalls: Embracing a Strategic Approach

1-Strategic Audience Refinement and Ecosystem Simplification involved a targeted approach to audience identification; through thorough research and surveys. Breaking down the complex task of creating a website ecosystem by emphasizing key features.

2-Reasoning Behind the Solution:

User-centric alignment and Task Complexity Simplification stemmed from the need to align the design with user preferences, ensuring a simplified approach to managing the complexity of tasks within the website.

3-Design's Problem-Solving Impact:

Inclusive Testing and a Streamlined Approach for Enhanced Effectiveness highlighted the solution's impact in fostering inclusivity through diversified testing, resulting in a streamlined and more effective design approach.

4- Navigating and Overcoming Budget Boundaries:

During the development process, we encountered budget constraints. To efficiently address these challenges, I discovered methods and tools that could achieve the same results but at a lower cost.

In the falling action, salvation arrived in the form of a prototype—a living beacon of hope. Subjected to rigorous testing, it vividly portrayed the refined evolution of a user-friendly solution. The method highlighted effective troubleshooting and insightful scrutiny, ensuring a solution that continually adapted to the ever-evolving needs of the users.

With each testing session, the product underwent a transformative journey, evolving to fulfill its original promise of being intuitive and seamlessly navigable. Each session adding depth and detail to the narrative of enhancement. The goal, established at the journey's inception, was to create an experience that resonated with simplicity and understanding.

Where We Landed



The Quest for Insights

The Quest for Insights

Setting the Stage: Unveiling the Project Landscape

Setting the Stage: Unveiling the Project Landscape

Oct 2021 - Aug 2022

Oct 2021 - Aug 2022

Oct 2021 - Aug 2022

Founder - Dr. Felicitas von Peter

Climate Projects - Gabriele Liautaud

Other stakeholders and tech. colleagues

Primary stakeholders

(Clients' ) & tech. colleagues

UX Designer, User Research, Ideation, Conducting

interviews, Synthesising data, Personas, User journeys, Empathy maps, Design sprint, Paper and digital Wire-framing, Low and high-fidelity prototyping, Conducting usability studies, Iterations and Implementations

UX Designer, User Research, Ideation, Conducting

interviews, Synthesising data, Personas, User journeys, Empathy maps, Design sprint, Paper and digital Wire-framing, Low and high-fidelity prototyping, Conducting usability studies, Iterations and Implementations

UX Designer, User Research, Ideation, Conducting interviews, Synthesising data, Personas, User journeys, Empathy maps, Design sprint, Paper and digital Wire-framing, Low and high-fidelity prototyping, Conducting usability studies, Iterations and Implementations




Tangible Transformations

Tangible Transformations

My Varied Hats

My Varied Hats

My Varied Hats

Introducing Jamie : Why And How We Empathised With Him

Introducing Jamie : Why And How We Empathised With Him

Introducing Jamie : Why And How We Empathised With Him

Project Duration

Project Duration

Project Duration

Team Fusion

Team Fusion

Team Fusion

Can a diverse team of designers empower corporate philanthropy by mobilizing employees for climate change advocacy?

Can a diverse team of designers empower corporate philanthropy by mobilizing employees for climate change advocacy?

Can a diverse team of designers empower corporate philanthropy by mobilizing employees for climate change advocacy?

Active Philanthropy is a non-profit organization offering support to individuals and organizations interested in climate action, remaining non-partisan and independent from governments, financial institutions, and NGOs.

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, a curious challenge emerged: while corporations eagerly funded various social causes, the critical issue of climate change mitigation often took a back seat. Partnered with Active Philanthropy, empowering Climate Philanthropy aims to revolutionize corporate philanthropy by prioritizing climate action over brand values.

Enter the UX case study project – a quest to reshape this narrative. The UX challenge lies in the absence of a digital feature that enables employees to express their thoughts passionately for this cause without disrupting the corporate structure.

Through immersive research and design thinking, aiming to transform corporations into heroes of a new narrative. Our solution wasn't just about solving a problem; it was about crafting a captivating tale where brand values harmonized with the global imperative of climate change mitigation. The result? A paradigm shift in corporate philanthropy, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of social responsibility.

‘Greencubator’ is a digital integration empowering heroes (low level employees) crafted to facilitate employee expression on climate change and philanthropy in line with corporate values, fostering collaborative discussion, and presenting key areas for action to the C-suite, all within a smooth digital platform experience.

An opportunity: How Might We design a digital platform that empowers employees to express their opinions and feel actively involved in the decision-making process?

Active Philanthropy is a non-profit organization offering support to individuals and organizations interested in climate action, remaining non-partisan and independent from governments, financial institutions, and NGOs.

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, a curious challenge emerged: while corporations eagerly funded various social causes, the critical issue of climate change mitigation often took a back seat. Partnered with Active Philanthropy, empowering Climate Philanthropy aims to revolutionize corporate philanthropy by prioritizing climate action over brand values.

Enter the UX case study project – a quest to reshape this narrative. The UX challenge lies in the absence of a digital feature that enables employees to express their thoughts passionately for this cause without disrupting the corporate structure.

Through immersive research and design thinking, aiming to transform corporations into heroes of a new narrative. Our solution wasn't just about solving a problem; it was about crafting a captivating tale where brand values harmonized with the global imperative of climate change mitigation. The result? A paradigm shift in corporate philanthropy, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of social responsibility.

‘Greencubator’ is a digital integration empowering heroes (low level employees) crafted to facilitate employee expression on climate change and philanthropy in line with corporate values, fostering collaborative discussion, and presenting key areas for action to the C-suite, all within a smooth digital platform experience.

An opportunity: How Might We design a digital platform that empowers employees to express their opinions and feel actively involved in the decision-making process?

Active Philanthropy is a non-profit organization offering support to individuals and organizations interested in climate action, remaining non-partisan and independent from governments, financial institutions, and NGOs.

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, a curious challenge emerged: while corporations eagerly funded various social causes, the critical issue of climate change mitigation often took a back seat. Partnered with Active Philanthropy, empowering Climate Philanthropy aims to revolutionize corporate philanthropy by prioritizing climate action over brand values.

Enter the UX case study project – a quest to reshape this narrative. The UX challenge lies in the absence of a digital feature that enables employees to express their thoughts passionately for this cause without disrupting the corporate structure.

Through immersive research and design thinking, we transformed corporations into heroes of a new narrative. Our solution wasn't just about solving a problem; it was about crafting a captivating tale where brand values harmonized with the global imperative of climate change mitigation. The result? A paradigm shift in corporate philanthropy, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of social responsibility.

‘Greencubator’ is a digital integration empowering heroes (low level employees) designed to empower employees to freely express their thoughts on climate change and philanthropy, aligning with corporate values, fostering collaborative discourse, and culminating in presenting a focal area to the C-suite for decisive action, all with a seamless and frictionless user experience.

An opportunity: How Might We design a digital platform that empowers employees to express their opinions and feel actively involved in the decision-making process?

Active Philanthropy is a non-profit organization offering support to individuals and organizations interested in climate action, remaining non-partisan and independent from governments, financial institutions, and NGOs.

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, a curious challenge emerged: while corporations eagerly funded various social causes, the critical issue of climate change mitigation often took a back seat. Partnered with Active Philanthropy, empowering Climate Philanthropy aims to revolutionize corporate philanthropy by prioritizing climate action over brand values.

Enter the UX case study project – a quest to reshape this narrative. The UX challenge lies in the absence of a digital feature that enables employees to express their thoughts passionately for this cause without disrupting the corporate structure.

Through immersive research and design thinking, aiming to transform corporations into heroes of a new narrative solution wasn't just about solving a problem; it was about crafting a captivating tale where brand values harmonized with the global imperative of climate change mitigation. The result? A paradigm shift in corporate philanthropy, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of social responsibility.

‘Greencubator’ is a digital integration empowering heroes (low-level employees) crafted to facilitate employee expression on climate change and philanthropy in line with corporate values, fostering collaborative discussion, and presenting key areas for action to the C-suite, all within a smooth digital platform experience.

An opportunity: How Might We design a digital platform that empowers employees to express their opinions and feel actively involved in the decision-making process?

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, our journey unveiled not just challenges but shimmering opportunities that awaited discovery like hidden treasures.

As we set sail into the vast sea of research, our compass led us to key objectives: decision-making intricacies, diverse perspectives, motivational drivers, the transparency conundrum, and the ever-watchful eye on public image. These were the compass points guiding our ship towards a trans-formative destination.

The expedition to find the ‘who, what, why, where, when and how’.

  • Who is facing the issues with the digital realm?

  • Why do they desire the resolution of those issues and the benefits they hope to gain from it?

  • Where is the user when they're using the product?

  • What are the needs, and pain points in general that are being resolved?

  • When do they encounter these challenges?

  • How are users reaching their goals by using the product?

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, our journey unveiled not just challenges but shimmering opportunities that awaited discovery like hidden treasures.

As we set sail into the vast sea of research, our compass led us to key objectives: decision-making intricacies, diverse perspectives, motivational drivers, the transparency conundrum, and the ever-watchful eye on public image. These were the compass points guiding our ship towards a trans-formative destination.

The expedition to find the ‘who, what, why, where, when and how’.

  • Who is facing the issues with the digital realm?

  • Why do they desire the resolution of those issues and the benefits they hope to gain from it?

  • Where is the user when they're using the product?

  • What are the needs, and pain points in general that are being resolved?

  • When do they encounter these challenges?

  • How are users reaching their goals by using the product?

In the realm of corporate philanthropy, our journey unveiled not just challenges but shimmering opportunities that awaited discovery like hidden treasures.

As we set sail into the vast sea of research, our compass led us to key objectives: decision-making intricacies, diverse perspectives, motivational drivers, the transparency conundrum, and the ever-watchful eye on public image. These were the compass points guiding our ship towards a trans-formative destination.

The expedition to find the ‘who, what, why, where, when and how’.

  • Who is facing the issues with the digital realm?

  • Why do they desire the resolution of those issues and the benefits they hope to gain from it?

  • Where exactly is the user when they're using the product?

  • What are the needs, and pain points in general that are being resolved?

  • When do they encounter these challenges?

  • How are users reaching their goals by using the product?

50% Increase in Average Session


Highlighting a substantial rise in the average time users spend on the website.

30% Boost in Page Views per Session: Demonstrating a significant increase in user exploration and interaction.

50% Increase in Average Session


Highlighting a substantial rise in the average time users spend on the website.

30% Boost in Page Views per Session: Demonstrating a significant increase in user exploration and interaction.

50% Increase in Average Session


Highlighting a substantial rise in the average time users spend on the website.

30% Boost in Page Views per Session: Demonstrating a significant increase in user exploration and interaction.

50% Increase in

Average Session


Highlighting a substantial rise in the average time users spend on the website.

30% Boost in Page Views per Session: Demonstrating a significant increase in user exploration and interaction.

Using Design Thinking, User interviews, Surveys, Competitive analysis, personas, and journey maps. Unravelling key user pain points guided us in tailoring the platform to meet their unique needs.

Trail for Iterations

Trail for Iterations

Trail for Iterations

Trail for Research

Trail for Research

Trail for Research

Ideation sessions, Design Sprints, User Flows, Storyboards, Usability Testings, and Blueprints.

Ideation sessions, Design Sprints, User Flows, Storyboards, Usability Testings, and Blueprints.

Ideation sessions, Design Sprints, User Flows, Storyboards, Usability Testings, and Blueprints.

The mission was clear:

Explore user behaviour and digital product usage intricacies, navigating through a journey that demands astute questioning and insights from experts, target users, and the broader community.

The mission was clear:

Explore user behaviour and digital product usage intricacies, navigating through a journey that demands astute questioning and insights from experts, target users, and the broader community.

The mission was clear:

Explore user behaviour and digital product usage intricacies, navigating through a journey that demands astute questioning and insights from experts, target users, and the broader community.

Strategic Framework Implementation:

Employed a strategic design thinking approach by establishing a well-defined problem, and systematically gathering and synthesizing both quantitative and qualitative findings. This ensured a seamless integration of diverse data types. This resulted in the generation of ideas, the creation of prototypes, testing, and eventual implementation.

Strategic Framework Implementation:

Employed a strategic design thinking approach by establishing a well-defined problem, and systematically gathering and synthesizing both quantitative and qualitative findings. This ensured a seamless integration of diverse data types. This resulted in the generation of ideas, the creation of prototypes, testing, and eventual implementation.

Strategic Framework Implementation:

Employed a strategic design thinking approach by establishing a well-defined problem, and systematically gathering and synthesizing both quantitative and qualitative findings. This ensured a seamless integration of diverse data types. This resulted in the generation of ideas, the creation of prototypes, testing, and eventual implementation.

Using Design Thinking, User Interviews, Surveys, Competitive Analysis, Personas, and Journey Maps. Unravelling key user pain points guided us in tailoring the platform to meet their unique needs.

Using Design Thinking, User Interviews, Surveys, Competitive Analysis, Personas, and Journey Maps. Unravelling key user pain points guided us in tailoring the platform to meet their unique needs.

30% Increase in Task Success Rate:

Reflecting a substantial improvement in users completing the given tasks.

25% Reduction in Error Rates: Showcasing a noteworthy improvement in user interactions and a decrease in errors.

30% Increase in Task Success Rate:

Reflecting a substantial improvement in users completing the given tasks.

25% Reduction in Error Rates: Showcasing a noteworthy improvement in user interactions and a decrease in errors.

30% Increase in Task Success Rate:

Reflecting a substantial improvement in users completing the given tasks.

25% Reduction in Error Rates: Showcasing a noteworthy improvement in user interactions and a decrease in errors.

30% Increase in Task Success Rate:

Reflecting a substantial improvement in users completing the given tasks.

25% Reduction in Error Rates: Showcasing a noteworthy improvement in user interactions and a decrease in errors.

Average Customer Satisfaction

(CSAT) Score of 4.5 out of 5:

Demonstrating increased user satisfaction through a measurable reduction in task completion time from an average of 64.67 seconds post-design iterations.

Average Customer Satisfaction

(CSAT) Score of 4.5 out of 5:

Demonstrating increased user satisfaction through a measurable reduction in task completion time from an average of 64.67 seconds post-design iterations.

Average Customer Satisfaction

(CSAT) Score of 4.5 out of 5:

Demonstrating increased user satisfaction through a measurable reduction in task completion time from an average of 64.67 seconds post-design iterations.

Average Customer Satisfaction(CSAT) Score of 4.5 out of 5:

Demonstrating increased user satisfaction through a measurable reduction in task completion time from an average of 64.67 seconds post-design iterations.

Insights Unveiled

Decision Mastery:

Strategically guide users through the digital landscape, positioning climate change as a philanthropic destination within the seamless website integration. 40% of the users were unaware of any digital platform within their companies for sharing their perspectives on climate.

Puzzle Perspectives:

Create a comprehensive view by aligning diverse perspectives, crucial for addressing the urgent call for climate action through an integrated collaborative digital platform. 75% of the users recognized the necessity for constructive collaboration to raise awareness about climate action.

Motivational Winds:

Streamline the digital platform into an inspiring journey, making climate change advocacy a compelling duty driven by user motivation. 67% of the users require a platform that inspires them to initiate significant changes within their corporate environments.

Transparency Code:

Establish trust within the digital platform by developing a code that demystifies processes, ensuring transparent practices and building credibility with users. 65.6% of the users frequently require a platform that prioritizes transparency and adheres to best practices when addressing such issues.

Heroic Image:

Elevate the digital platform's status by aligning climate initiatives with brand values, crafting a champion image in the eyes of the online audience. 53.8% of the users believed that companies undertake philanthropic initiatives that align with their core brand values.

The Whimsical Skeleton

Ever Evolving Echoes aka Mid Fidelity Playground

Dynamic Design Evolution

In the falling action, salvation arrived in the form of a prototype—a living beacon of hope. Subjected to rigorous testing, it vividly portrayed the refined evolution of a user-friendly solution. The method highlighted effective troubleshooting and insightful scrutiny, ensuring a solution that continually adapted to the ever-evolving needs of the users.

With each testing session, the product underwent a transformative journey, evolving to fulfill its original promise of being intuitive and seamlessly navigable. Each session adding depth and detail to the narrative of enhancement. The goal, established at the journey's inception, was to create an experience that resonated with simplicity and understanding.

User-Experience Adventures: Navigating the Testing Terrain

In the unfolding narrative, a revelation emerged – our hidden gems, the low-level employees, craved a platform for their voices to echo in the hallowed halls of the C-suite, where decisions held sway. These individuals, fueled by passion and a desire to make an impact, aspired for their initiatives to bear the signature of the C-suite. However, the challenge was overcome by simplifying complexities, and the insights gleaned led to a digital solution adaptable to any corporation.

As a UX Designer, this adventure has been an epic journey of innovation and transformation, proving that with the right skills and analysis, one has the potential to take the lead in developing a solution that effectively addresses the complexities centred around user needs.

The Final Resolution : The Hero's Return

Golden Nuggets From Testing Trials: "As a user, participating in the testing phase was eye-opening. It wasn't just about navigating through the website; it was about feeling heard. Seeing my input directly impact the design made me feel like an essential part of the process. The changes reflect a deep understanding of what we, as users, truly value in our digital experience."

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1.The design process is never really over. Effectively concluding the project entails an ongoing series of usability studies to verify whether the anticipated issues and challenges users may encounter have been adequately addressed.

2.Conduct further user research to pinpoint emerging areas of demand, to enhance service delivery. Consistently iterating remains the pivotal factor in achieving optimal success.

Embarking On Ever Evolving Journey

Thank you!

Precious Learnings

During the development of the Greencubator website integration, we realized that the initial concepts were merely a foundation. The website's designs underwent continuous evolution, influenced by insights from usability studies and valuable feedback from users, shaping each successive iteration.

I also discovered that it's a continual, iterative process throughout the entire journey.

Embracing this approach facilitates the creation of a solution that provides convenient, time-efficient, and user-friendly accessibility to the target audience, ultimately enhancing everyday life for greater convenience.With this approach, it clarifies the original intent, which is to define the problem and ultimately ensure a delightful user experience.